Module Owner: CLUB |
Primary Modeler: Jim Bartlett |
Other Modelers: Stan McClennen, Fred Monsimer |
Construction Date: July, 2003 |
First Show: August, 2003 West End Block Party Norristown, PA |
Module Dimensions: 54 inches X 54 inches |
Module Description:
For the first half-dozen years after it was built, this module had no permanent scenery.
In the summer of 2010, the streets, railroad crossing and station platforms were constructed. The locations of the buildings were also fixed; previously, they had been put in different locations at every show. Additional detailing is still needed.
If you are interested in joining our group, you may want to help with this project, or with other club projects. Construction of new modules by individual club members is also encouraged.
Diagram showing the general arrangement of this module.
Main Street and Railroad Avenue before the most recent changes.