Royersford Modular Model Railroaders

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Here are some scenes from our first show, held Saturday, August 10, 2002, in Norristown.

The event was Norristown's "West End Block Party" which is an annual late-summer event in the Borough of Norristown. Most of the events are outdoors, but we had the use of a church auditorium for our show. One thing we had to take into account was the slope of the auditorium floor, which was about 8 inches higher at one end of our layout than at the other. This required some last-minute additions to the legs of several modules to keep the layout level.
Sections of the layout stacked on the floor.
Everything comes into the building in small,
easy-to-carry pieces.
A few pieces of the layout have been set up.
Once everything is in the room, the tops of the modules are placed atop their legs. Once two modules are connected to each other, the layout becomes stable.
Layout sections ready to be assembled.
We set several modules on the floor, with their legs in front of them, ready for setting up. If we want to rearrange the order of the modules, it's easier to do before they are fully assembled.
Two sides of the layout are complete.  The corner on the ground will be installed next.
With a little planning, and everyone doing their part, the layout goes together quickly.
The full layout is set up.  A few minor adjustments, and the trains start running.
To construct a layout where trains can run continuously, you need at least four corners. Our fourth corner had its track installed the morning of the show, which is not the best time to install track. At future shows, there won't be any track laying done at shows, except maybe to show people how it's done - on a module not connected to the operating layout.
Club members and visitors watching the trains roll.
Once the show began, trains ran for several hours with very few problems. Even the 86-foot boxcars, brought along just to find track imperfections, ran all afternoon.
  The scene outside.
We had a sign outside, thanks to one of the Block Party's organizers, but we should have brought a larger one. Just another part of the learning experience.

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This web site developed and managed by:
Frederick Monsimer